How to handle menu post back with master page?




I have a master page which contains a menu,i would like to handle post
In the content pages(MenuItemClick event)

I tried to do the following in the content page

BaseLayout master = this.Master as BaseLayout;
master.MainMenu.MenuItemClick += new
MenuEventHandler(MainMenu_MenuItemClick); //MainMenu us a property my
master page

But i dont get the events,note that if i am doing the same in the
master page it is ok

Thanks in advance.


I suspect you must have switched autoeventwireup to false on the content
page. BTW, you can use <%@ MasterType %> directive on content pages to
instruct compiler to automatically generate strongly-typed Master property.
Regardless your approach should work, you can also intercept menu click using
RaiseBubbleEvent method on master page, and then overriding OnBubbleEvent
method as follows:

master page:

protected void Menu_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
RaiseBubbleEvent(sender, e);

content page:

protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs args)
if (args is MenuEventArgs)
// take appropriate action
return base.OnBubbleEvent(source, args);

hope this helps

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