How to get the Right Header Number to change after every print?



I have the macro below that will show the counter on the printed sheet but I
need the number to change with each print from the right header text. I was
lucky to get the code below and information from Gord Dibben and Gary''s
Student. I would really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks Jennifer

This macro will create a custom property that will hold the counter:

Gord Dibben


I have tested this and I get an incremented number in right header each time I
print the sheet. Even after saving/closing then reopening.

What are you getting for a number in right header?

Only change I would make is to make the value in "jenny" a zero rather than 1 to
start with.

Sub firstone()
Dim dp As DocumentProperties
Set dp = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
dp.Add Name:="jenny", _
LinkToContent:=False, _
Type:=msoPropertyTypeNumber, _
End Sub

Go to File>Properties>Custom and delete the "jenny" property then re-run the
firstone macro,


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