How to get the name of menuitem at runtime?



like this,
foreach (MenuItem item in this.mainMenu1.MenuItems)
//some code
//I want to get the menuitem's name here!

No name property found. please help!

Shakir Hussain

Like other controls Name property is not available for use.

Couple of recomendations

1. While constructing the menu, create a hashtable.

2. Derive a class from menuitem and add your own properties to store menu


Christoph Nahr

Like other controls Name property is not available for use.

MenuItem is just a component, not a control -- that's why it doesn't
have a "real" Name property. The Name property of real controls is
certainly available for use from outside the designer.
2. Derive a class from menuitem and add your own properties to store menu

Yes, that's perhaps the best approach.

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