How to get full url of virtual root



If you just want a client valid reference:
Dim root As String = Me.ResolveUrl("~")

If you actually want the whole URL to the root, you could build a function,
note it's untested but I can't think of any senarios where it wouldn't work.

Public Function AppRoot() As String
Dim appRelativeRoot As String = Me.ResolveUrl("~")
Dim originalUrl As String = Me.Request.Url.ToString
Dim pos As Integer = originalUrl.IndexOf(appRelativeRoot)
Dim path As String = appRelativeRoot
If pos > 0 Then
path = originalUrl.Substring(0, pos + appRelativeRoot.Length)
End If
Return path
End Function

Michael Mooney


Thomas Jespersen

Hi Juan

Request.ApplicationPath! Why didn't I see that. I was going nots. Thanks.

Here is the final method, which also takes the port number and protocol
(http/https) into account:

private string FullApplicationPath()
return Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.AbsolutePath,
string.Empty) + Request.ApplicationPath;

All the other methods simply didn't work, because they either removed the
Virtual directory or assumed that the everything else was on the same level
as the Request.


Michael Mooney

Juan T. Llibre said:

Because this is an ASP.NET newsgroup ?
*All* questions here are supposed to be related to ASP.NET.

And, of course, ASP.NET works over http.

And, of course, ASP.NET also works over https. It can also include a port

Hardcoding it to always be http is just a bad idea.

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