How to get dbgclr on client PC



I am trying to get a debugger on a client PC so I can troubleshoot a VB .NET
application that runs fine on most other PCs. I thought I could just copy
the GUIdebug folder from the SDK - wrong! Surely I will not have to install
the entire SDK just to be able to get some meaningful messages out of the
failed app???!!!

Is there a way to install JUST the stuff necessary for dbgclr?

Your suggestions will be appreciated.

Josh Carlisle

If you're attempting to do some production debugging you'll likely want to
use cordbg, a .Net command line debugger. We use it when we need to debug on
one of our production machines and want to avoid installation of the SDK (or

I think you just need:
1) cordbg.exe
2) msdis140.dll
3) msvcp71.dll
4) msvcr71.dll

Once in cordbg you can attach to a process and set break points for
particular types of exceptions (eg ca e System.ArgumentException) and then
when you hit the exception you can start checking out what your call stack
looks like, what classes are loaded up, etc, etc.

Alternatively you can use windbg also which is more low level but you can
load up the SOS extention or the new SOS like extention called PSSCor
( and you can
view managed memory/call stacks etc in a more friendly manner. Windbg can be
downloaded at (its the
whole ddk but you can just get windbg out of there) and I believe the
sos.dll is in the .net framework installation and PSSCor can be download
from the link noted above.

Also if you're doing production debugging you might want to check out
"Production Debugging a .Net Framework Application" located at . Very helpful
when you're getting your feet wet with production debugging because it is a
different world then debugging in VS.NET.



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