Ok, here is my situation. I have a table where you can enter deposits and
withdrawals for an account involved in a specific investment. Then I do a
query that returns a 30 day period report. I use Left Outer Join to make the
query, enter some data every day in the period (even if it is just 0s). So,
from june 1 to june 30. There are 30 entries and where a withdrawal or
deposit is made that data is shown. My problem is I need a running balance
total. So day one you invest 30 dollars. It should say $30 in the balance
column the whole way down until you get to another activity. So a withdrawal
of $10, would make it go to $20 for the rest of the way, etc. I use
DSUM([Deposits]-[Withdrawals], "tblAccountActivity")
1. I dont know what to use in the second parameter, tblAccountAct, holds all
Activity across all Groups and investment plans.
2. What it comes up with, is it puts in the balance column the change
multiplied by the number of entries in that table. and then any time there is
no activity it goes back to saying 0.
withdrawals for an account involved in a specific investment. Then I do a
query that returns a 30 day period report. I use Left Outer Join to make the
query, enter some data every day in the period (even if it is just 0s). So,
from june 1 to june 30. There are 30 entries and where a withdrawal or
deposit is made that data is shown. My problem is I need a running balance
total. So day one you invest 30 dollars. It should say $30 in the balance
column the whole way down until you get to another activity. So a withdrawal
of $10, would make it go to $20 for the rest of the way, etc. I use
DSUM([Deposits]-[Withdrawals], "tblAccountActivity")
1. I dont know what to use in the second parameter, tblAccountAct, holds all
Activity across all Groups and investment plans.
2. What it comes up with, is it puts in the balance column the change
multiplied by the number of entries in that table. and then any time there is
no activity it goes back to saying 0.