How to - Friendly URLs



Hi All,

Could someone explain how the following functionality is implemented?
In modern "Web 2.0" sites user "profiles" (this is just one example)
are visible by a URL like "". Usually I have
implemented this by the following method -
"". Would I need to use a http
handler and map it to "profile.aspx" if I can match the url "/users/"?

Any details would be appreciated. Any code samples would be nice too



Kirk Allen Evans

What you are talking about is URL Rewriting. ASP.NET 2.0 provides simple
URL Rewriting in a limited fashion. That is, there are no wildcards
available or pattern matching options, each mapping corresponds to a single
URL. If you use querystrings, then you will end up with a config file that
looks like this:

<urlMappings enabled="true">
<add url="~/users/bob" mappedUrl="~/users/profile.aspx?user=bob"/>
<add url="~/users/keith"
<add url="~/users/kirk" mappedUrl="~/users/profile.aspx?user=kirk"/>

If this does not suit your needs, then consider something like

Kirk Allen Evans
Developer Evangelist
Microsoft Corporation

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