How to Force the Reminder Window to Pop-Up




I want to force the Reminder Window to Pop-Up. Currently, sometimes, it
only flashes the Taksbar; and sometimes it does pop-up. If I'm not paying
attention or stepped away, I don't notice the reminder window.

In the Application_Reminder event, I tried doing an Item.Display, but that
only displays the actual Calendar/Item and not the Reminder Window.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The reminder window has no hooks you can use to force it to pop-up unless
you trap Windows messages to it and intercept them. You'd have to use
something like SetWindowPos with a topmost argument for force the window
open and on top, assuming you can hook into those messages and get an hWnd
for the reminders window.


I was afraid of that. I was hoping it'd be something simple without having
to resort to APIs.

I have some code lying around that can enumerate windows. When running the
code, I noticed the Reminders Window is there, just not displayed...waiting
to be triggered. And, it doesn't have it's own class. It just says "1
Reminders" in the caption and #32770 for the class. But, digging into it's
child windows, there are more items that can help differentiate it from
other windows. Given that, I can come up with hWnd of the Reminders Window.

I'll post some code up since I don't seem to be the only one wanting the
pop-up to be more persistent since we rely on it for meetings.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The only problem is that with SetWindowPos at least an argument of HWND_TOP
doesn't seem to do much, HWND_TOPMOST has to be used (after calling
SetForegroundWindow of course) and that leaves the reminders window on top
all the time no matter what application or window is selected in the UI for
focus. You'll have to handle cases where other windows want to come to the
top of the z-order.

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