How to force new Session when spawning browser using hyperlink


Børge Hansen

Hi. Does anyone know how I can force a new session when my app
openes a window which links into my application using

I want the application to spawn a new window (and session) which does not
interfere with each other....


(please do no respond directly, as my email is not the real one...)

Kevin Spencer

Call Session.End in the PostBack. When the script is added to the page, a
new request is created when the new window is spawned, which starts a new

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
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solve puzzles for a living

bruce barker

you can not do this cookies, as both client windows share the same cookie
info. but if you use cookieless sessions (url munging) you can have the new
window start a new session by munging a new session id in its url.

-- bruce (

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