How to force column formatting (text, date, etc) when loading a fixed width text file into an array?



I have a large source data file that I need to incorporate into my Excel

If I record a macro while opening the file, I get the following; each field
has an indicator that makes it text, date, or whatever format I selected.
However, this opens the file as a new Excel sheet, whereas I need to just
load it directly into memory.

Sub OpenCOLAStxtFile()
Workbooks.OpenText FileName:= _
\\SharedNetworkDrive\Folder\Subfolder\Filename.txt", Origin:=437, _
StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1),
Array(40 _
, 1), Array(51, 1), Array(73, 1), Array(94, 1), Array(135, 2),
Array(176, 1), Array(217, 2), _
Array(238, 1), Array(249, 1), Array(259, 1), Array(270, 1),
Array(292, 1), Array(313, 1), _
Array(354, 1), Array(394, 1), Array(436, 2), Array(477, 2),
Array(498, 2), Array(539, 3), _
Array(550, 1), Array(562, 3), Array(574, 3), Array(586, 3),
Array(598, 1), Array(600, 1), _
Array(602, 1), Array(604, 1), Array(625, 1), Array(637, 1),
Array(648, 1), Array(689, 1), _
Array(730, 1), Array(737, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End Sub

The second macro (below) is what I use to open text files and parse out the
contents into memory (or dump to a sheet). Is there an optional parameter on
the commands that read the text file that would make it easier to force some
of the columns formats away from what occurs with general formatting? Heck,
is there a better way altogether to pull in the contents of a fixed-width
delimited text file? This seems clunky to me; I'd rather just read a line at
a time and split it, if that makes more sense.


Sub ReadCOLAStxt()

Global Const COLAStxt = "BACKLOGALL.TXT"

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Loading Raw Data Files: " & COLAStxt
Dim LineofText As String
Dim Paragraphs() As String
Dim rw As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim mywrksht As Worksheet

COLAStxt_Parse = Array(0, 40, 51, 73, 94, 135, 176, 217, 238, 249, 259, 270,
292, 313, 354, 394, 436, 477, 498, 539, 550, 562, 574, 586, 598, 600, 602,
604, 625, 637, 648, 689, 730, 738, 0)
COLAStxt_MaxCols = 33

Dim oFS As Object
Dim oFile As Object

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")

On Error GoTo COLAStxtNoFile:
UseDataFileLocation = DataFileLocation & COLAStxt
Set oFile = oFS.getfile(UseDataFileLocation)
On Error GoTo 0

If Not oFile Is Nothing Then
'get date of file
DateCOLAStxtModified = CDate(oFile.DateLastModified)
COLAStxtOldDate = GetProperty("COLAStxtDate",
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0

' LongFN = DataFileLocation & COLAStxt
rw = 0

Dim X As Long
Dim FileLines() As String
FileLines = SplitFileIntoLines(DataFileLocation & COLAStxt)
For X = 0 To UBound(FileLines)
TextLineStartChar = Left(Trim(FileLines(X)), 1)
If (Len(FileLines(X)) = 0) Or (TextLineStartChar = "=") Then
'do nothing
rw = rw + 1
Application.StatusBar = "Loading " & COLAStxt & " Row: " &
' now parse LineofText according to the column widths and
' put the values in an array.

'skip header rows, then process the rest
If rw > 3 Then
For j = 1 To COLAStxt_MaxCols
ParseStart = COLAStxt_Parse(j)
ParseEnd = COLAStxt_Parse(j + 1)
If ParseEnd > 0 Then
TotalDataArray(j, rw) = Trim(Mid(FileLines(X),
ParseStart, ParseEnd - ParseStart))
ConvertCol (j)
mywrksht.Range(Usecol & CStr(rw - 5)).Value =
TotalDataArray(j, rw)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If

SetProperty "COLAStxtDate", PropertyLocationCustom,
DateCOLAStxtModified, False
Application.StatusBar = False

strNow = Format(Month(Date), "00") & Format(Day(Date), "00") &
Format(Year(Date), "0000")
Name DataFileLocation & COLAStxt As DataFileLocation &
"OldRawDataFiles\" & "COLAStxt_" & strNow & ".txt"

Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

Exit Sub
'error handling code
MsgBox "COLAStxt.txt was not found at the expected location. Unable to
load updated COLAStxt data." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"The Colas raw text file is removed once it has been processed, so if
the 'upload' has already occured today you may ignore this error.", , "File
Not Found"
Resume Next

End Sub

Dave Peterson

#1. I'm not sure what you mean by load it into memory?

Maybe you could create the new worksheet in that new workbook, then pick up the
values in an array, then close the workbook.

#2. You'll have to take care of the formatting yourself before you plop the
values into the worksheet.

Personally, I don't think I've seen anything that compare (speedwise) to parsing
the file via text to columns--even if you have to delete rows rows later.


#1: My goal was to load the text file contents directly into an array,
rather than using the workbook.opentext command, so I could avoid any
potential problems (and extra coding time) with grabbing values from a newly
created workbook

#2: As long as I have the array in memory, I can do that- I just need to
keep track of which columns are which :)

Thanks for the feedback Dave- if I understood you correctly, the method I'm
currently using (getfile) is the right one to be using for speed and to get
the contents directly into an array without dealing with a second workbook.


Dave Peterson

I'm not sure what getfile does, but I bet it wouldn't take to long to do some
speed tests.

Depending on your data and how much you have to parse, I wouldn't be surprised
at all if using that extra workbook/worksheet via text to columns and picking up
all the values in one command would be quicker than parsing each field of each

And as for coding time, I would bet that writing the code to parse each field
would take longer to develop, too.

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