I'd like to count\sum a list of records seperately for different
individuals. For example, I have a table that contains different statuses
for these individuals, such as Other, Vacation, Personal Holiday, Training
and Sick. The problem is each status is listed under one (1) field "Absent
Type". How can I run a report that will seperate them.
i.e. John Doe Other 0, Vacation 10, Personal Holiday 1, Training 2 and Sick
I have tried to run the query with Absent Type Group By and Absent Type Sum,
when I run it this way, I get the imfamous Data type mismatch criteria
expression message.
I'd like to count\sum a list of records seperately for different
individuals. For example, I have a table that contains different statuses
for these individuals, such as Other, Vacation, Personal Holiday, Training
and Sick. The problem is each status is listed under one (1) field "Absent
Type". How can I run a report that will seperate them.
i.e. John Doe Other 0, Vacation 10, Personal Holiday 1, Training 2 and Sick
I have tried to run the query with Absent Type Group By and Absent Type Sum,
when I run it this way, I get the imfamous Data type mismatch criteria
expression message.