How to find Size of tables in Database



In an Access 2000 database how can you find the size of each table in
the database without having to export every table to a new file?

John W. Vinson

In an Access 2000 database how can you find the size of each table in
the database without having to export every table to a new file?

You can't, not easily anyway. Each table contains not only the data stored in
the fields, but system overhead; the indexes for the table take up space;
Access' lack of garbage collection means that a table may have a variable
amount of "wasted" space which will be recovered when you compact.

What GOOD does this information do you, anyway? A Table has no independent
existance outside the .MDB/.MDE file which contains it; you can't make it
bigger or smaller other than by doing the obvious - adding or deleting data
and then compacting the database; what use is it to know how many bytes it's
taking up within the Access database?

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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