how to export email accounts



I am reinstalling XP on my Dell computer, reformatting
the hard disk. I will then install Outlook 2003. Now I
use Outlook 2002. How can I export the email accounts
settings (I use 10 email accounts) to a file that I can
use to import later? Thank you very much,

Robert Findlay [MSFT]

Unfortunately Outlook 2003 can only import account settings from Outlook
Express and Eudora Pro. It cannot import account settings from a file.
Outlook Express is also unable to import account settings from a file so it
would be impossible to import the accounts into Outlook Express and then
import them into Outlook.

Robert Findlay
Partner Technical Lead -- Outlook/Office Setup
Microsoft Technical Support for Platforms and Business Applications



Robert Findlay said:
Unfortunately Outlook 2003 can only import account settings from Outlook
Express and Eudora Pro. It cannot import account settings from a file.
Outlook Express is also unable to import account settings from a file so it
would be impossible to import the accounts into Outlook Express and then
import them into Outlook.

Does anyone at MS actually realise how bloody annoying this
non-compatibility with different versions is to ordinary users? You would
have thought that MS would have JUMPED at the chance to make upgrading easy.
But oh no! An even worse example is the various MS backup formats from W95
through to XP! NONE of them can read backups from a previous version! is it
just me or are MS going out of their way to make things difficult for the
average user? I just find it incredible that a conglomerate like MS cannot
think of these things. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!

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