How to export ASP.NET dataset to text file




On an page I have a search section that, based on the search
criteria, populates a datagrid. The search is done trought a stored procedure
and a resulting dataset with only one tabel in it. The dataset
(dsRecords.Tables("tblSearchResult") is the datasource for the datagrid.

My question is:
Is it possible to export data from a this dataset to a text file (*.txt),
with an standard delimeter (; or tab) to a user-defined destination (a save
dialogbox!). If it is possible - how ?

Peter D.C.

Eliyahu Goldin

The easiest solution is to prepare the file on server side and than download
it to the client with standard file download dialog. If you wish to do
everything on client side, you would need an ActiveX control for that.


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