how to execute batch file automatically when file is added in folder



hi all
can some guide me how to execute a batch file automatically when i
upload a file in that folder from ftp
i am not that good at programming , have some idea about batch files so
basically wanted to excutea batch file i made when there is a new file
in that folder,


Pegasus \(MVP\)

SANDY said:
hi all
can some guide me how to execute a batch file automatically when i
upload a file in that folder from ftp
i am not that good at programming , have some idea about batch files so
basically wanted to excutea batch file i made when there is a new file
in that folder,


You could use the Task Scheduler to launch this batch file once
every five minutes:

@echo off
if not exist c:\OldDir.txt echo. > c:\OldDir.txt
dir /b "d:\My Folder" > c:\NewDir.txt
set equal=no
fc c:\OldDir.txt c:\NewDir.txt | find /i "no differences" > nul && set
copy /y c:\Newdir.txt c:\OldDir.txt > nul
if %equal%==yes goto :eof
rem Your batch file lines go here



few quries i was trying to make it work
i guess what we are trying to do is set a envoirment variable right?
i tried to execute the script as it is but it gave error device not
ready then i saw there was path
dir /b "d:\My Folder" > c:\NewDir.txt

I changed it to
dir /c "d:\My Folder" > c:\NewDir.txt
now My folder is the folder i guess i need to monitor correct ?

but in the set equal=no does not seem to work as i see my environment
variables instead of the command setting a varibale eqaul=no

will keep trying diff combinations and update later


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Your newsreader broke up the lines and you did not restore
them correctly. Here is a numbered version:

Line1 @echo off
Line2 if not exist c:\OldDir.txt echo. > c:\OldDir.txt
Line3 dir /b "d:\My Folder" > c:\NewDir.txt
Line4 set equal=no
Line5 fc c:\OldDir.txt c:\NewDir.txt | find /i "no differences" > nul && set
Line5 copy /y c:\Newdir.txt c:\OldDir.txt > nul
Line6 if %equal%==yes goto :eof
Line7 rem Your batch file lines go here

I cannot tell you what "d:My Folder" should be. It's your
machine you're dealing with and only you know which
folder you wish to examine!


Thanks Boss
ur script also solve a question i had before how to compare files and
use result as option for next thing :)


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