how to dynamically refer to a table in a query



I have the names of several tables in a table called "MyTables", eac
table name as its own record, together with a checkbox

I want to make a query that will return records ONLY from the table
where that table's record in MyTables is checked

Is this even possible? How can I go about doing this

Thank you in advance for your help

Duane Hookom

As per my answer to this question in

You combine all you tables into a single recordset using a union query. Make
sure you derive a value that matches the value in MyTables.

SELECT "tblJan" as TableName, *
FROM tblJan
SELECT "tblFeb", *
FROM tblFeb

I always take the opportunity to question why a person would use multiple
tables when a single table with an extra field might work better.


Thank you Duane, but that won't work in this situation. I don'
always want to return records from all the tables. I don't even wan
to look in the tables that were not checked off in MyTables. I
doesn't matter if after quering them no results would be returned,
can' t look in them at all

The problem is that I will be using linked tables, and not all of the
will be able to reach the data source at all times. So I can onl
look in the checked tables

Do you have any other ideas

Duane Hookom

As per my response in

If this is the case, you may need to use code to change the SQL property of
a saved query. This code is just an example. I would create a form with a
list box of tables that would allow the user to select the table. Then code
would run to change the SQL property of a saved query.

Dim strSQL as String
Dim strTableName as String
strTableName = InputBox("Enter table name")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTableName & "]"
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("NameOfSavedQuery").SQL = strSQL

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