How to draw lines to seperate data



This works great for what I need it to do. How do I put it a user form
so I can select which columns to apply the lines to if they are not in
column A or B.

Thanks for your assistance!


Dick Kusleika


What are we starting with? A userform with two (or more?) comboboxes that
are filled with column headings (or column letter?) and a commandbutton to
do the formatting? Do you need help setting up the userform, changing the
macro that does the formatting, or both?

Dick Kusleika


P.S. If you like using excelforum to access these NNTP groups, you should
complain to the webmaster that replies to messages don't show up correctly
in NNTP readers (like Outlook Express). I found that you replied to me by
accident because your message doesn't show as a reply to my message and
therefore isn't highlighted. In the meantime, if I don't get back to you in
a day, or so, send me an email that you replied. I won't ignore you on
purpose, but there's a lot of messages in this group and those that aren't
replies to mine are easily missed.

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