How to do paging in web service


Donald Adams

I will have both web and win clients and would like to page my data. I
could not find out how the datagrid control does it's paging.

What library/methods can I use in .Net 2.0 to do paging of SQL data in a web

Thanks in advance,
Donald Adams



did you think using the "RowNum" of the Sql2005 ?
this way you can send to the WebService
which would call the SP with from RowNum and To RowNum
and you'de get the relevant rows
from example from row 50 to 59

If my answer helped you please press "Yes" bellow

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Adlai Maschiach

Donald Adams


Thanks, I can use that, but I'm actually wanting to know how does dataGrid
use my SqlDataObject, or ObjectSource and add paging and sorting to it....
so I can do the same in my webservice.
A code sample would be most helpful.

,,,Donald Adams

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