how to disable insert column



How do I disable to insert and delete column in a sheet WITHOUT
protecting the sheet?

For example, if I right click on a excel sheet, I see "Insert" &
"Delete" menu items, which I would like to grey out or disable it. And
I want to achieve this without protecting the sheet.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance..


Thanks Ron, however I have a couple of problems..

I'm trying to use the following code to disable every "Copy" control in
the Menu Bar, Toolbars and right click menus

Sub MenuControl_False()
' Excel 2000 - 2003
Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl
For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=19)
Ctrl.Enabled = False
Next Ctrl
End Sub

However I need to disable this only for a particular sheet, not all the
sheets. How can I achieve this?

Also for insert column, I'm only able to disable from menu bar, not
from the right click menus. Any clue?

Please bear with me as I'm new to excel programming.


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