how to disable ctrl+c in windows xp batch?




is there a way to disable ctrl+c break in a batch running on windows xp? On previous versions
BREAK OFF worked fine, but on XP it has no effect. I want to avoid "terminate the batch job"

Thank you,

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

Yandos said:
is there a way to disable ctrl+c break in a batch running on
windows xp? On previous versions BREAK OFF worked fine, but
on XP it has no effect. I want to avoid "terminate the batch
job" question...

A workaround is to hide the batch file execution completely.

You can e.g. use a vbscript based batch file launcher for this.

Run it like this:

wscript.exe "C:\My Scripts\BatchLauncher.vbs" "C:\My Scripts\tst.bat"

(BatchLauncher.vbs is the VBScript, tst.bat is your batch file)

In the code below, it is the 0 in this line that hides the
batch file execution:

iRC = oShell.Run("""" & sFilePath & """", 0, True)

If you want to run it visible, but minimized, change the 0 to 7.

Content of BatchLauncher.vbs:

sTitle = "Batch launcher"

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If oArgs.Count <> 1 Then
' Will die after 10 seconds if no one is pressing the OK button
oShell.Popup "Error: You need to supply a file path " _
& "as input parameter!", 10, sTitle, vbCritical + vbSystemModal

Wscript.Quit 1
End If

sFilePath = oArgs(0)

If Not oFSO.FileExists(sFilePath) Then
' Will die after 10 seconds if no one is pressing the OK button
oShell.Popup "Error: Batch file not found", _
10, sTitle, vbCritical + vbSystemModal

Wscript.Quit 1
End If

' add quotes around the path in case of spaces
iRC = oShell.Run("""" & sFilePath & """", 0, True)

' Return with the same errorlevel as the batch file had
Wscript.Quit iRC


WSH 5.6 documentation (local help file) can be downloaded
from here if you haven't got it already:



A workaround is to hide the batch file execution completely.

Thank you for the answer and very nice description, I know this trick.
But unfortuantely I need to see the window and what's happening inside
:( So does that mean this is no longer possible on windows xp? That's a
real shame...


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