How to determine which PST file current be used?


Hunte Swee

Due to 2G size limitation, we want to write a small program to check the
size of PST file whether is nearing the 2G. The question is how to
determine how many PST files are used by OUTLOOK and where they are



Due to 2G size limitation, we want to write a small program to chec
size of PST file whether is nearing the 2G. The question is how to
determine how many PST files are used by OUTLOOK and where they are


So many questions... How many people are using PSTs (I'm trying to fin
out if it's one or two, or 5+ or 10+...)?

PSTs exist anywhere, what OS version are you using? You might find the
in the Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook.

If it's a few users, merely looking at each profile will tell you whic
PSTs are in use and where they are located. Once that is determined
you can write a small batch file from tbe network admin type computer:


echo computer1 username
dir "\\computer1\c$\path\to\pst\file.pst"
echo computer2 username
dir "\\computer2\c$\path\to\pst\file.pst"


(run this from a command prompt)

This assumes the person who is doing the search has admin rights on al
the other PCs (best if you're using a domain), otherwise you may hav
to log on to each pc from your pc first (Start, Run, \\computer1\c$
then Logon with computer1\adminlevelusername, password.)

It may be easier to have all the computers point to their PST file
over your network (this may be not recommended by many people, becaus
of possible network reliability issues, and possible PST corruption
and then the admin can check the PST files in one server location.

If you're not able to (because people are sensitive about their ow
data or whatever) determine the location of the PSTs from thei
profiles, the only thing left is brute force find files or folder
named *.pst modified in the last week, either on the PC or remotely
providing you have access...

Still, in all cases, the batch file is adequate for a list up to 5-
users (because that's all the screen will show.) You can output to
text file:

pstsize.bat > outfile.tx

and that should be able to accommodate as many people as you need t

[off topic]
For my users, I have max 100MB storage quota on their exchange use
mailbox and tell them to dump their large attachments in thei
documents for normal backup. I realize some people can't do that, bu
the file system is much easier to restore one document from than
large flat file or Exchange Message Store. That is, assuming th
documents are backed up... Besides, it *is* easier to back u
individual files on multiple CDs than a 2GB pst, isn't it?
[/off topic

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