How to determine what version of framework a DLL requires?


Michael Bray

Sorry for the post here, but I have a quick need - I have a DLL that I
don't know what version of the framework it was built under. How can I
determine that with standard tool. Thanks!


Mattias Sjögren

Sorry for the post here, but I have a quick need - I have a DLL that I
don't know what version of the framework it was built under. How can I
determine that with standard tool. Thanks!

You can find the CLR version required (1.0, 1.1 or 2.0) by using the
Corflags tool in the .NET SDK (or programmatically with

Later frameworks (3.0 and 3.5) only add assemblies that still execute
on the 2.0 runtime, so you have to look at what assembly versions are
referenced (directly and indirectly). You can do that with Ildasm and
looking for assembly extern directives for example.


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