How to detect complex keypress (STRG+N, P)?

  • Thread starter =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Roland_M=FCller?=
  • Start date



i know how to get a simple keyboard combination, but how to detect a
combination of keyboard combination, pressing STRG+N and P?
This does not work:

private void MdiParentForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {

switch(e.KeyData) {
case Keys.Control|Keys.N|Keys.P:

Any help?
Thanks in advance, Roland!


Hi Roland,

You cannot check for multiple keypresses with a single operation. In the
Keys enumeration, letter keys do not have "Flag" values that can be OR'd
together, such as Keys.N | Keys.P. In this case, Keys.N = 78 and Keys.P =
80. Only the modifier keys such as Keys.Shift can be OR'd with letter keys,
such as Keys.Shift | Keys.N.

Instead, to detect a complex key sequence, you need to save the state of the
keypress then check that state on the next keypress. For example:

private Keys m_PreviousKey;
private void MdiParentForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
case Keys.Control|Keys.N:
Console.WriteLine( "First key" );
case Keys.P:
if (this.m_PreviousKey == Keys.Control|Keys.N)
Console.WriteLine( "GOT IT!" );
this.m_PreviousKey = e.KeyData;


Thanks, that is easy and logical.

Mini-Tools Timm said:
Hi Roland,

You cannot check for multiple keypresses with a single operation. In the
Keys enumeration, letter keys do not have "Flag" values that can be OR'd
together, such as Keys.N | Keys.P. In this case, Keys.N = 78 and Keys.P =
80. Only the modifier keys such as Keys.Shift can be OR'd with letter keys,
such as Keys.Shift | Keys.N.

Instead, to detect a complex key sequence, you need to save the state of the
keypress then check that state on the next keypress. For example:

private Keys m_PreviousKey;
private void MdiParentForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
case Keys.Control|Keys.N:
Console.WriteLine( "First key" );
case Keys.P:
if (this.m_PreviousKey == Keys.Control|Keys.N)
Console.WriteLine( "GOT IT!" );
this.m_PreviousKey = e.KeyData;

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