How to design a toolbar type allication and make it dock to the Windows workspace?


David Hearn

I am designing a small application that consists of just a few forms. I want
to make it a vertical toolbar type application where it only takes up a
small portion of the right side of the users screen. I know how to move the
form over there and make it appear that it is docked to the right side of
the screen, but it is not truly docked. I want it to be part of the desktop
like the taskbar is at the bottom of Windows so that no other applications
override it. The left side of my form needs to be the hard right edge of the
workable area of the desktop. So let's say when IE opens and is maximized,
the right side of IE is butted up against the left side of my application
and they are both viewable. If I do that now, IE opens up and covers up my
application. I know I can make my application TopMost, but that is not a
good solution because it then covers up the right side of whatever else
opens. Can this be done and if so, how?

Thanks in advance!

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