How to delete extraneous rows and columns



details not en;ough.
if you click he row number on the left the whole row will be highlighted
click edit-delete
the entries in the whole row will be deleted

Bruce Gray

Thanks, but let me explain clearly what I want.
I just want a worksheet that has columns and rows that are used. I want to
delete all other columns and rows.
I don't want 65536 odd rows, just the number of rows with data in them. Same
for columns.

When I do a ctrl, shift, down operation to select extraneous rows, then
delete, then save, it doesn't get rid of the rows.

Gord Dibben


An Excel worksheet always has 256 columns and 65536 rows.

You cannot delete the rows and columns. Deleting just removes the contents
and formats.

You can hide the rows and columns you don't want to see or you can set the
scroll area to a specific range.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP


You *really *can't "get rid of" the columns and rows in a WS.

They're there, but just don't count.

If, on the other hand, you might be talking about *hiding* the extra columns
and rows, leaving a gray area beyond the used ranges, try this on an unused
sheet to check out the effect:

Select *all* of Column F by clicking on the column header, then:

<Ctrl> <Shift> <RightArrow>

This selects all the columns, out to the end of the sheet.
Right click in this selection and choose "Hide".

You see what happens.

You can do the same for rows, using the <DownArrow>.

You should note, however, that these cells are *only* hidden.

If you had a formula in say AX1, it would still be accessible, and could be
viewed in the formula bar by simply entering the cell address in the name


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Thanks, but let me explain clearly what I want.
I just want a worksheet that has columns and rows that are used. I want to
delete all other columns and rows.
I don't want 65536 odd rows, just the number of rows with data in them. Same
for columns.

When I do a ctrl, shift, down operation to select extraneous rows, then
delete, then save, it doesn't get rid of the rows.

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