How to Debug ASP.NET Application with Variable QueryString



I am writing an ASP.NET 1.1 application that will be invoked with a number of
input QueryStrings using VS.NET 2003 Enterprise Architect. How can I set the
input URL in the project settings to debug it with a variable input
QueryString. For example, in one case I'd to debug it with a QueryString
with one parameter, say tk=AyxKv. In another case I need to run it with two
parameters, say cust=23 and const=554.

Thank you.


could you just set the start page of the application to be a "starter" page
where you had written links i.e. myPage.aspx?variable=value&var2=value2 so
then you can debug and then go to your testing page?

else, you can always just compile.. then load your page.. then attach to the
aspnet_worker process by going to the processes item in the debug pulldown
menu and "attach" to the workerprocess, then you launch any external browser
and hit your site, you'll hit your breakpoints in your devenv.

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