How to creating an a array of class objects


Clinton Daniel

I have an array like this:

MyClass[] myArray;

In a method I allocate it depending on how many rows in the DataTable:

myArray = new MyClass[myDataTable.Rows.Count

However, when I try to access them in a foreach loop, they aren't instantiated.

foreach(MyClass tmpClass in myArray)
tmpClass.myField = 1; // set to 1 as a test

WTF is going wrong?

Anders Borum

You aren't populating the array with new instances this way. What happens is
that the myArray gets initialized with a specific amount of slots; all of
them equals null.

You need to run a loop equal to the length of the array, instantiating your
MyClass and assigning it to the right index of the myArray.

Sijin Joseph

You need to do this before using the foreach statement.

for(int i=0; i<myArray.Count; i++)
myArray = new MyClass();

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