How to create virtual directory to hold assemblies?


Siegfried Heintze

I ran Internet Services Manager to create a virtual directory whose physical
path was C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SIGNITEK_PRIVATE. Since this notebook is not
exposed on the network, I gave the virtual directory write and browse
permissions in addition to the defaults of read and execute.

I then created a C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SIGNITEK_PRIVATE\bin directory and
recompiled some assemblies and stored them in that bin directory. I also ran
tlbimp to import MSXML2 and stuck that in the bin directory too.

My web pages in C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SIGNITEK_PRIVATE\articles\\lecture
referencing those libraries would not work.They could not find the
assemblies I was referencing.

I created c:\InetPub\wwwroot\bin and moved all the assemblies there. Then my
web pages started to work again. What do I have to do special when creating
a virtual directory so it can find the assemblies in the bin directory?


Siegfried Heintze

Property? I'm confused. I'm not using MS Visual Studio so there are no
properties. I'm just manually using tlbimp and jsc (javascript compiler) to
create assemblies from the command line and specifying the output to be bin
directory. I wonder if case sensitivity could be messing me up?

Here are my commands:
"\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin\TlbImp.exe"
c:\Windows\System32\msxml2.dll /out:..\..\bin\msxml2.dll /namespace:MSXML2
..\bin\msxml2.dll /debug /target:library SlideMaker02.js


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