How to create a ranking query with seq# in front of




I'm assigned a task to produce a sales ranking report by customer and put
rank number in front of each customer when produce the report. I'm not sure
if I should post this in this group, if not, please let me know.
I tried some method from microsoft to create a query with rank# by using
sample database (northwind). It is too slow after adding the rank number. If
someone has better idea that would be great!

Thanks in advance,

Roger Carlson

Actually, in a report this is easy. Add an unbound textbox to the Detail
Section of your report. For the ControlSource property type "=1" (without
the quotes). Then go down to the RunningSum property and set that to
OverGroup. This will add a sequential number to each line of the report.

--Roger Carlson
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I don't know if I'm misunderstanding what is being asked for, but I don't
think this will help!!

From what I read the OP is looking for a ranking based on sales, so how will
a sequential number help this??

Can the OP just clarify this is what they are after?



Hi cdb,

It might be my problem to explain my question. I actually did the sorting in
query as well as on the reports. Then I only need to put seq# based on my
sorting. So the way that Roger just told me is working for me.


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