how to create a combo box in excel - how to create the drop down .




I am making a questionlist, kind of a questionaire and i am trying to use
comboboxes. I can select the option via the toolbox but I cannot enter my
data. How to enter my selection of data in an easy way? Do you need to write
macro's or have knowledge of programming. ...... in short is there an easy
way to create nice looking comboboxes where an other person can easily select
his data choice.

Kind regards - Evy


data validation allows you to make a drop down box in a spreadsheet, you
can either type in yes,no,don't know or name a list that is located
elsewhere on the spreadsheet


the forms toolbar has a drop down box or combobox.It sort of sits above the
page,and is always visible.

Combo box A drop-down list box. The item that is selected in the list box
appears in the text box.
Combo box properties
Input range Reference to the range containing the values to display in
the drop-down list.
Cell link Returns the number of the item that's selected in the combo box
(the first item in the list is 1). You can use this number in a formula or
macro to return the actual item from the input range.
For example, if a combo box is linked to cell C1 and the input range for the
list is D10:D15, the following formula returns the value from range D10:D15
based on the selection in the list:
Drop-down lines Specifies the number of lines to display in the drop-down
3D shading Displays the combo box with a 3-dimensional shaded effect.

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