How to Create a BMP Resource




I created a simple Windows Control using C#. To change the Display Icon
(picture) for the control in the Toolbox i added a 16x16 bmp and marked
it as "Embedded Resource".

The problem is how to declare this bmp as a resouce and use it in the

The "Resouce View" in VS.NET 2003 shows blank and on right
click..nothing is shown. Neither does right clicking on the Project
provide any "Add Resouce.." option.

I created a .rc file and right clicking on that also is of no use.

Please let me know how i can turn this bmp as a resouce for my control.



Wiktor Zychla

I created a simple Windows Control using C#. To change the Display Icon
(picture) for the control in the Toolbox i added a 16x16 bmp and marked
it as "Embedded Resource".

The problem is how to declare this bmp as a resouce and use it in the

The "Resouce View" in VS.NET 2003 shows blank and on right
click..nothing is shown. Neither does right clicking on the Project
provide any "Add Resouce.." option.

I created a .rc file and right clicking on that also is of no use.

Please let me know how i can turn this bmp as a resouce for my control.

there are two distinct types of resources: win32 resources and .net
resources. if you add a file as a .net resource (embedded resource) it is
not visible as win32 resource (that's why you do not see it in resource

to programatically extract the bitmap from .net resources use following

Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Stream s = a.GetManifestResourceStream( "__name_of_default_namespace__" +
nameofFileToExtract );
Bitmap b = new Bitmap( s );

Wiktor Zychla

Bob Powell [MVP]

In addition to Wiktor's advice you might want to look at the article in
Windows Forms Tips and Tricks that explains this process.

Bob Powell [MVP]
Visual C#, System.Drawing

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Hi again,
All i want is a custom bmp in the toolbox for a custom control that i
create. I guess no programming is needed to do this. Plz let me know
how to get the custom bmp.




Not sure want you want but have you done this..

Project->Add Existing Item and add the .bmp file to
your project

Right click the file name in the Solution Explorer panel
and select propertes. Change the Build Action property
to Embedded.

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