How-to count reports beginning with a certain name?




I have a command button on a form which prints 16 reports without a problem
-- here's the code snippet:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim i As Integer
i = 1

Do While i <= 16
stDocName = "rptVA" & i
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
i = i + 1
Exit Sub

However, if reports are added (or deleted) I have to change the integer on
the do while line. Easy enough, but is there a way to use the Reports.Count
property to count the number of reports that begin with "rptVA"?


Douglas J. Steele

No, but assuming you're using Access 2000 or newer, you could do this:

Dim objReport As AccessObject
Dim objDBS As Object

Set objDBS = Application.CurrentProject
For Each objReport In objDBS.AllReports
If Left(objReport.Name, 5) = "rptVA" Then
DoCmd.OpenReport objReport.Name, acNormal
End If
Next obj
Set objDBS = Nothing

For Access 97 or earlier, use:

Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database
Dim docCurr As DAO.Document

Set dbCurr = CurrentDb
For Each docCurr In dbCurr.Containers("Reports").Documents
If Left(docCurr.Name, 5) = "rptVA" Then
DoCmd.OpenReport docCurr.Name, acNormal
End If
Next docCurr
Set dbCurr = Nothing


Sweet! Works like a charm!

For other users who may find this useful a small correction -- change "Next
obj" to "Next objReport"

Thanks a lot Doug!


Douglas J. Steele

Sorry about that! I started by copying a snippet from somewhere, and decided
to rename the variables. Obviously I forgot one...

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