How to copy and paste conditional formatting for the cell next to



Im creating a rate tracking sheet for a mortgage company. the rates are in
one column and will set off a color of red if they are .5% under the target
rate or blue if if the rate is .25%-.5%. Both of these columns are right next
to eachother. (Columns H and I) I need to make about 1500 rows and so far ive
done about 50 manually without copy and pasting. its very tedious if anybody
has any formulas that would be very helpful.



I'm not certain that I followed your question correctly, but have you tried
Copy (from the formatted cell) and then Paste Special - Formats? You would
have to make sure the formulas in the conditional formatting have the proper
cell referencing, of course (i.e. relative vs. absolute).

Gord Dibben

Either select all the cells first then go to Format>CF and enter the rules.

Watch out for Excel making Absolute addresses like $I$1

OR use the Format Paintbrush to copy the fomatting.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


I've tried the formula paintbrush but that just copies the formatting to one
cell. Im trying to do somethig like this:

I2 formats to H2
I3 fromats to H3
I4 formats to H4

So if I use the formatting brush then it would format all of the cells to
one single cell. Im looking for all of the cells to be formated or relate to
the cell in the column next to it.

Gord Dibben

Post an example of what you use for the CF in H2 and H3 etc.

Is it a formula or just "cell value is"

If a formula, could be the cell referencing is not right for copying.


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