How to convert Visual C++.Net project file so I can do 64-bit (Itanium builds)


David A.Lethe

I've got a console application that needs to be ported to the 64-bit
windows native environment. I've downloaded the 64-bit build
environment code from the MSDN site, but the docs say that I have to
use a makefile.

Of course the old visual C++ 6.0 used to have an option that converts
the project files into a makefile, but MSFT took that feature away in
the latest .NET products.

So, how in the heck do I get my code compiled? Is there something out
there that will convert my existing project files? I know I could
build a makefile from scratch, but I can't believe that MSFT doesn't
have a means to automate this. Is there a way I can just trick the
IDE into using the 64-bit compiler/linker/and include/library paths?



You'll need to move the location where the 64-bit compiler & linkers reside to the top of the Executable directories, in the Options of, along with the paths for the Include Files, Library Files & Source Files

What I do is, in order to be able to easily compile apps for 32-bit & 64-bit, basically, I do the above setup for, and use that compiler for 64-bit compilations, while I use the VC6 for 32-bit compilations. Hence, I don't have to keep moving my Executable, Include Files, Library Files & Source Files locations up & down every time I have to switch from 32 to 64-bit application projects.


Can you please tell me where the 64-bit compiler & linkers, Include Files, Library Files & Source Files are located by default. I've installed the "Intel 64-bit" environment


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