how to convert 357646 seconds into hh:mm:ss format?

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Does anyone know how to convert 357646 seconds into d/hh:mm:ss format.
ALso does anyone know how to find the different between date and time. e.g
different between 01/02/2005 10:50:14 and 02/02/2005 16:47:08?
Times are stored as fractions of a day. To convert seconds to a time, divide
by the number of seconds in a day:

=357646/24/60/60, format as time/date

To get the difference between two dates/times, just subtract them:

=b1-a1, format as date/time

Excel doesn't handle negative times well, so make sure you subtract the
earlier from the later date.
Excel doesn't handle negative times well, so make sure you subtract the
earlier from the later date.

To expand on your comment:

Excel, using the 1900 date system, does not DISPLAY negative times/dates.
However, the value in the cell remains correct (as in fractions of a day, be
they positive or negative) and can be used in other formulas; or formatted as
other than time or date.

Is the answer 20:46:0 ? That is what I get.
How can you use date when you don't have a date in the question ?
I understood the OP asked two separate questions:
(1) what is 357646 in date/time format, and
(2) how do you subtract 01/02/2005 10:50:14 from 02/02/2005 16:47:08

An Excel date field can contain both a date and a time. Date fields are the
number of days since January 1, 1900, and can contain fractions. The
fraction portion is the time of day (eg, .25 is 6:00 am because it's
one-quarter of the way through the day).