How to Control Size of Desktop Web Page Display ???



Am using an Outlook calendar saved as a web page for display on my desktop (
Dell 8200 / XPpro2002 ) and would like to make the image a bit smaller (at
the side margins) than the screen so I can access a portion of the actual
desktop screen for right-click functions etc.

Below is that main page html which I have edited for various frame size
adjustments (know a little bit about html tags etc but dont use enough to
keep update and remember what I did from one month to the next.

Any ideas on how I might edit the below html to make the entire page display
smaller than the desktop screen ?

<html><head><META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' content='text/html;
<script language='JavaScript'>
var version = navigator.appVersion;
var appName = navigator.appName;
var isIE;
var IsWin = (version.indexOf('Win') > 0) ? true:false;
var IsMac = (version.indexOf('Mac') > 0) ? true:false;
var NVersion = version.indexOf('MSIE');
var IEVersion = 0;
if( NVersion > 0){
isIE = true;
IEVersion = version.substring(NVersion + 5, NVersion + 6);
} else if (appName.substring(0,9) == 'Microsoft'){
isIE = true;
} else {
isIE = false;
function Is(){
var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
this.minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
this.nav = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && ((agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
&& (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1)));
this.nav2 = (this.nav && (this.major == 2));
this.nav3 = (this.nav && (this.major == 3));
this.nav4 = (this.nav && (this.major == 4));
this.nav4up = this.nav && (this.major >= 4);
this.navonly = (this.nav && (agt.indexOf(';nav') != -1)); = (agt.indexOf('msie') != -1);
this.ie3 = ( && (this.major == 2));
this.ie4 = ( && (IEVersion == 4));
this.ie4up = && (IEVersion >= 4);
var is;
var isIE3Mac = false;
if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac')!=-1) &&
(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1) &&
isIE3Mac = true;
is = new Is();
function adjustSize(){
if ((null != document.all) && top.IsWin){
var monthdoc = top.frames[3].document;
var size = parseInt((monthdoc.body.clientWidth - 14) / 7);
if(size > 35){
var divall = monthdoc.all.item('onecol');
if(divall != null){
for(i = 0; i < divall.length; i++) { = size;
<frameset rows='60,25,*,25' frameborder=0px framespacing=0px border=0px>

<!-- src='2006m4h.htm' ...change 4 to current month # -->

<frame name=calheader src='2006m4h.htm' marginwidth=0px marginheight=0px

<!-- "cols=85%" -->
<frameset cols='85%,*'>
<frame name=monthheader src='monthhd.htm' marginwidth=0px marginheight=
0px scrolling='no'>
<frame name=detailsheader src='detailhd.htm' marginwidth=0px
marginheight=0px scrolling='no'>

<!-- "cols=85%" -->

<frameset cols='85%,*'>

<!-- src='2006m4h.htm' ...change 4 to current month # -->

<frame name=month src='2006m4.htm' marginwidth=0px marginheight=0px>
<frame name=details src='2006d4.htm' marginwidth=0px marginheight=0px>
<frame name=calfooter src='footer.htm' marginwidth=0px marginheight=0px
Sorry, this document requires a browser which can support the use of frames.
Thanks again for your help.


I haven't analized Your HTML code but You don't even have to write there
explicity size of Your Active Desktop (that's the name, isn't it ?) Try to
move Your mouse on the top of the display - and then a small tab will apear.
Similar to the blue line on the top of that window (if You haven't changed
standard colord ;) ) I suppose that You know what to do then ?
Good Luck !


Thank you for the followup.
None of the 'minmize' etc picks at the top boder of the web page display
seem to be 'active', and also could not 'grab' any of the borders to pull
them in... although just yesterday was able to do that and get the left side
of the web page display window pulled in to show some of the underlying
'desktop' so could use the desktop right-click menu options (cant do that
over the web page display).
Just thought it would be helpful to somehow be able to control the size of
the web page display on a more permanent basis, with the html or other
(although 'locking' doesnt work because it only locks the web page display in
the 'maximize' mode), so could forget about it (just one of those convenience
things not to lose sleep over.

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