How to combine arrays?



How do I combine two one-dimensional arrays to one new one-dimensional array?
E.g. if A1 is one-dimensional (3, 12, 8) and A2 is one-dimensional (6, 1, 0,
9) I want the resulting array to be (3, 12, 8, 6, 1, 0, 9). Thanks for help!


Sub test()
Dim A3 As Variant

A1 = Array(3, 12, 8)
A2 = Array(6, 1, 0, 9)

A3 = A1
Size = UBound(A3) + 1
ReDim Preserve A3((Size + UBound(A2)))

For i = 0 To Size
A3(Size + i) = A2(i)
Next i

End Sub


How do I combine two one-dimensional arrays to one new one-dimensional array?
E.g. if A1 is one-dimensional (3, 12, 8) and A2 is one-dimensional (6, 1, 0,
9) I want the resulting array to be (3, 12, 8, 6, 1, 0, 9). Thanks for help!

Hi Georg,

In Excel 2003 I have created this:

Option Base 1

Function CombineIntegerArrays(ByRef A1 As Variant, ByVal A2 As
Variant) As Variant
Dim intA1 As Integer
Dim intA2 As Integer
Dim intA3 As Integer
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim intFill As Integer
ReDim result(1) As Integer

If IsArray(A1) And IsArray(A2) Then
intA1 = UBound(A1)
intA2 = UBound(A2)
intA3 = intA1 + intA2
If LBound(A1) = 0 Then intA3 = intA3 + 1
ReDim result(intA3) As Integer
intA2 = LBound(A2)
intFill = LBound(result)

For intLoop = LBound(A1) To UBound(A1)
result(intFill) = A1(intLoop)
intFill = intFill + 1
For intLoop = LBound(A2) To UBound(A2)
result(intFill) = A2(intLoop)
intFill = intFill + 1

CombineIntegerArrays = result
End If
End Function

Sub testCombine()
Dim t1(3) As Integer
Dim t2(4) As Integer
Dim t3 As Variant
Dim i As Integer

t1(1) = 3
t1(2) = 12
t1(3) = 8
t2(1) = 6
t2(2) = 1
t2(3) = 0
t2(4) = 9

t3 = CombineIntegerArrays(t1, t2)

For i = LBound(t3) To UBound(t3)
Debug.Print (t3(i))
End Sub



Jim Cone

1. Create a new array and add the values from the old arrays to the new one.
2. ReDim Preserve Array1 and add the values from Array2 to it.
3. Add both arrays to a worksheet (end to end) and use a Variant (array) to hold the combined values.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
How do I combine two one-dimensional arrays to one new one-dimensional array?
E.g. if A1 is one-dimensional (3, 12, 8) and A2 is one-dimensional (6, 1, 0,
9) I want the resulting array to be (3, 12, 8, 6, 1, 0, 9). Thanks for help!

Rick Rothstein

This probably doesn't apply to your situation, but **IF** your A1, A2 and
Result arrays are **ALL** declared as being String arrays, you can perform
the combining of them in a single line of code...

Result = Split(Join(A1, Chr(1)) & Chr(1) & Join(A2, Chr(1)), Chr(1))

The resulting Result array will always be zero-based no matter what your
Option Base setting is (the Split function always produces zero-based
arrays). But remember, the above single line of code applies only if the
arrays are declared as Strings. For example...

Sub Test
Dim A1() As String
Dim A2() As String
Dim Result() As String
A1 = Split("1 2 3")
A2 = Split("4 5 6 7 8")
Result = Split(Join(A1, Chr(1)) & Chr(1) & Join(A2, Chr(1)), Chr(1))
Debug.Print UBound(Result)
End Sub

Note that in use, the elements of Result can still be used in calculations
as VB's behind-the-scenes automatic coercion would turn the numerical String
values into real numbers in order to perform the calculations.

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