How to check if there is a new file in a folder?



Dear NG,

I want to check if there is a new file in a specific folder. If I copy
a big file into the folder (while the programm is running), I already
can access it. There is the problem: how can I check if a file is
already copied or not!? How do I know if a file is "ready" for use?

I open the CheckMyFolder function once a second:

public void CheckMyFolder()
files = directory.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo f in files)
// read the whole thing, do something

Thank you very much for your help


Kevin Spencer

Use the System.IO.FileSystemWatcher class.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
A watched clock never boils.


Thank you,

but which Event is the right for me?
It should fire if a large file is beeing copied successfully to my

Thank you


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