How to change view to be 100% for good.


Joseph Meehan

okiegrl said:
How do I set my view when opening all e-mails to 100%, it is
currently set at 144% and nothing I do will change it for all e-mail
to open at 100%.

Sorry. This is a newsgroup dedicated to questions about Access, the
database program in Office Professional. It appears your question may not
be related to these subjects. The Microsoft help system is not all that
clear and may have misdirected you here.

It is best to ask your questions in a newsgroup dedicated to the
subject of your question. You should find people better able to address
your problem there.

Note: It is always best to indicate the name and version of any
program(s) you may be using when asking a question and also indicate the
operating system (like Windows XP or 98) when you ask a question.


How do I set my view when opening all e-mails to 100%, it is currently set at
144% and nothing I do will change it for all e-mail to open at 100%.

Rick B

The newsgroup to which you posted your question is an Access newsgroup. We
answer questions about the database application MICROSOFT ACCESS. This
is not an Outlook newsgroup.

You should probably get in the habit of looking at a few posts before you
add a new thread to a newsgroup. This newsgroup has nothing to do with your

I'm betting if you search the appropriate newsgroup, or google, you might
even find an answer to your question without having to ask someone to repeat
it for you.

Rick B

John Vinson

How do I set my view when opening all e-mails to 100%, it is currently set at
144% and nothing I do will change it for all e-mail to open at 100%.

Microsoft's Help system has landed you in the wrong newsgroup: this
one is for the database program Microsoft Access.

Please use the dropdown box (the one that says "Access" by default)
to select a more appropriate newsgroup, one for the EMail program you
are using (you don't say whether you're using Outlook, Outlook
Express, or something else).

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Thank you for indicating that I was in the wrong newsgroup. When I put the
question in, it was under general questions, but must have gone to the access
site. I have corrected this. Too bad the other two gentlemen didn't notice
that you had already corrected my mistake.


Thank you for indicating that I was in the wrong newsgroup. When I put the
question in, it was under general questions, but must have gone to the access
site. I have corrected this. Too bad you didn't notice that someone else
had already noted the mistake and you wouldn't have wasted your time telling
me it again.


Thank you for indicating that I was in the wrong newsgroup. When I put the
question in, it was under general questions, but must have gone to the access
site. I have corrected this. Too bad you didn't notice that someone else
had already noted the mistake and you wouldn't have wasted your time telling
me it again.

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