How to change location of existing User desktop folder



My daughter, who shares my machine, has become a Photoshop maven. I wasn't
following what she was up to, but unfortunately she seems to have stored 9GB
(!) of files on my C: drive, on the desktop. I need to get these moved
elsewhere, and (ideally) set her desktop location to that drive. I have in
mind a 250 GB USB drive I have on the system. I could either just move her
Desktop and My Documents files and set new pointers in registry, or perhaps
move her whole "User" profile?

Is there an easy and safe way to accomplish this? I have backed up,
naturally, but if the backup for some reason failed and the move resulted in
a mess-up, I would be in for major grief!



I have been able to move her "My Documents" and change the properties to the
new drive.

Of more concern is her Desktop itself. She has stored a large volume of
files (7 GB) on that. Although the result is messy, I don't want to undo the
way she works. Is there a way to move her "My Desktop" to the auxiliary drive
so that Windows recognizes it correctly when she logs on?


Bob I

That is just asking for grief if you manage to do it. As for My
Documents being on an external drive that can end up being disconnected,
you can at least sort that out relatively easily.


Thanks very much. I'll got for the simpler route of having her save all her
files elsewhere.

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