How to change directory




VBA newbie here...I am unable to "change directory" to a folder name that (I
think) is (already) being returned to me via the Sub (I think I need a
function in order to do this but not sure).

The code is below. The main program right below calls out 2 subs and 1
function. What I need to do is chdir to a folder that is returned to me by
the Sub GetMentDesContPath. Do I need to change the Sub to Function in order
to accomplish this?

The program errors out at ChDir MentorDirectory


Private Sub CommandMAINBUTTON_Click()

Call GetMentDesContPath
MentorDirectory = MentDesContPath

'Check to see if GEOMS ASCII and error out if it does not geoms_ascii
'Check to see if design container has /pcb subdir

If PathExists(MentDesCont & "pcb") = False Then
MsgBox "Invalid Mentor Design container specified, exiting"
Exit Sub
ChDir MentorDirectory

If FileExists(MentDesCont, geoms_ascii) = False Then
MsgBox "Couldn't find geoms_ascii file, exiting"
Exit Sub
'open geoms_ascii file

End If

End If

End Sub

Sub GetMentDesContPath()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.InitialFileName = "My Computer"
.Title = "Please navigate to the Mentor Design Container"
If .SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
MentDesCont = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
End Sub

Function PathExists(pname) As Boolean
' returns true if the path exists
On Error Resume Next
PathExists = (GetAttr(pname) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory
End Function

Function FileExists(path, fname) As Boolean
With Application.FileSearch
.Filename = fname
.LookIn = MentDesCont
If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
FileExists = True
FileExists = False
End If
End With
End Function

Tom Hutchins

You are assigning values to local variables, which have no value when you
reference them from other procedures. You refer to MentDesContPath but have
never assigned a value to it. You assign a value to MentDesCont in the
GetMentDesContPath procedure, but it ceases to exist when that sub ends. The
MentDesCont you refer to elsewhere is a different variable. The following
works for me if I have assigned a value to geoms_ascii:

Option Explicit
Dim MentDesContPath As String

Private Sub CommandMAINBUTTON_Click()
Call GetMentDesContPath
'Check to see if GEOMS ASCII and error out if it does not geoms_ascii
'Check to see if design container has /pcb subdir
If PathExists(MentDesContPath & "pcb") = False Then
MsgBox "Invalid Mentor Design container specified, exiting"
Exit Sub
ChDir MentDesContPath
If FileExists(MentDesContPath, geoms_ascii) = False Then
MsgBox "Couldn't find geoms_ascii file, exiting"
Exit Sub
'open geoms_ascii file
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetMentDesContPath()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.InitialFileName = "My Computer"
.Title = "Please navigate to the Mentor Design Container"
If .SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
MentDesContPath = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
End Sub

Function PathExists(pname) As Boolean
' returns true if the path exists
On Error Resume Next
PathExists = (GetAttr(pname) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory
End Function

Function FileExists(path, fname) As Boolean
With Application.FileSearch
.Filename = fname
.LookIn = MentDesContPath
If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
FileExists = True
FileExists = False
End If
End With
End Function

Hope this helps,



Thanks Tom. Yeah, I had multiple errors there.

Modifying per your suggestions works now.

Thanks again.

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