How to change default cell format to "Text"




When you start Excel, the new spreadsheets come with default format =

I need this default format to be changed to "Text". Following is the
explanation of the reason I need this:

I work in PLC programming, and usually I use Excel to edit some CSV
files. Those files contains some numeric fields in decimal format (for
example 5.5, 5.2, 5.0, 4.0). When I open the CSV file with Excel, the
program eliminates the decimal part of round numbers (in the example
given, Excel converts my numbers to 5.5, 5.2, 5, 4).

I really need the round numbers to keep its decimal part (I need 5.0,
not 5!!!).

And I need it to work when I open my CSV files (please, no posts of
"you should select the cells and use the format cells option..."
because when I open my CSV file the damage is performed...).

Any ideas?

Jim Rech

You might search in Excel on "default workbook" for information on how to
customize the initial workbook when Excel opens.

However a customized initial workbook will not be used when you open a text
file in Excel through File, open. To open a text file into an existing
(pre-formatted) workbook try using Data, Import External Data (as it's
called in Excel 2003, you forgot to mention your version). You have quite a
bit of control over how the data is formatted and where it goes with this

message |
| Regards,
| When you start Excel, the new spreadsheets come with default format =
| "General".
| I need this default format to be changed to "Text". Following is the
| explanation of the reason I need this:
| I work in PLC programming, and usually I use Excel to edit some CSV
| files. Those files contains some numeric fields in decimal format (for
| example 5.5, 5.2, 5.0, 4.0). When I open the CSV file with Excel, the
| program eliminates the decimal part of round numbers (in the example
| given, Excel converts my numbers to 5.5, 5.2, 5, 4).
| I really need the round numbers to keep its decimal part (I need 5.0,
| not 5!!!).
| And I need it to work when I open my CSV files (please, no posts of
| "you should select the cells and use the format cells option..."
| because when I open my CSV file the damage is performed...).
| Any ideas?
| --
| rbecerra
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Yeah, you're right!

The Import External Data can help, I can choose the format of each
column before importing...

The only anoying thing is in this Import External Data Wizard, is that
I cannot set the format option for all the cells!!! I have to choose
one by one and apply the "Text" format....

But by now, this is a good solution.


The shift key comes to help: I can now select all the columns in this
wizard selecting the first column, hold pressed SHIFT and select the
last column, this way all columns become selected and I can set the
Text format for all ... Problem solved. Again thanks

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