How to change a sum to an actual number I can paste into a new do.



I used the sum function in excel but now I need to take the total and make
the sumed numbers into actual typed numbers that I can then paste into
another document. Right now I can't cut and paste them without taking the
sum functions with me so the number change when I bring them into the new
file. Help!

Jacob Skaria

Select the total cell. copy cell.
Go to the other cell. Right click>PasteSpecial >select Values..OK

If this post helps click Yes


animal said:
I need to take the total and make the sumed numbers
into actual typed numbers that I can then paste into
another document.

If the other document is another Excel worksheet, you probably want to do
copy-and-paste-special-value. Copy as you normally do, but then right click
the original cell or click Edit, then click Paste Special, Values, OK.

One caveat: this will copy the actual value, which might be different from
the displayed value. If that is what you want, fine. But since you said
"actual typed number", I suspect you want the displayed value.

Generally, I believe the only way to do that is to ensure that the displayed
value is the same as the actual value by using the ROUND function in the
original cell.

Exception: There should be no problem if all the numbers (i.e. the summed
numbers, the numbers they might depend on, and the total) are integers with
a magnitude not more about 9E+15, and you only did addition, subtraction and
multiplication. But beware that I am talking about actual values, not
displayed values.

----- original message -----

Shane Devenshire

Here are a couple of other alternatives:

1. Highlight the formula on the Formula Bar and press F9,
2. Press Ctrl+C, then Esc
3. Move to the target sheet and Paste

Suppose that the sum is in A10 and A11 is empty
1. Put your cursor in A11 and press Ctrl+" (control double quotes)
2. Cut and Paste the results to the target sheet

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