how to call Access's function in different module in Excel VBA



I have a question for how to call Access procedure/Function in different module in Excel


Now I have Access, And I define a simple subform for test in different sub module:

Sub test1()
Dim conDatabase As ADODB.Connection
Set conDatabase = Application.CurrentProject.Connection

Dim SQL As String
SQL = "update country set scale = scale + 1 where country = ""dd"" "
conDatabase.Execute (SQL)
'Call table_conversion
End Sub

Sub test1()
msgbox "ddd"
End Sub

right now I wanna call the test1() in my Excel file
(add Microsoft Access 10 library in reference)


Sub Button36_Click()
Dim accessObj As Object
Dim ac As Access.Application
Dim path As String

path = ActiveWorkbook.path
path = path & "\data_pool.mdb"

' Create instance of Access Application object.
Set ac = CreateObject("Access.Application")

' Open WizCode database in Microsoft Access window.
ac.OpenCurrentDatabase path, Exclusive:=True
' Exclusive = false means can not open access if it is opened

'ac.Run "module1.test1"
ac.Run "test1"
'ac.Run "[module1.test1]"


End Sub

If the different Function name in different module in Access, the code is run well
but I set same function name in different module in Access, the Run method can not work. (

In Access, I can set the same function name in different module and run well)

anyone can help me out, thanks a lot

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