How to build ASP.NET projects on a separate build machine?


Vagif Abilov


I have made a build script that runs on a separate machine and builds all
our components. However, I have a problem with our Web (ASP.NET)
applications. Even when I build ASP.NET project from a command line it still
expects project directory to be configured as virutal directory in IIS,
because of these lines in solution file:

Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Signup",
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject

I can't just change it to point to a regular directory - it will break
loading the project into a Visual Studio. There must be a way to modify
these settings so they fit both IDE and unattended builds on a separate
machine (without configuring every Web project in IIS). Any hints?

Thanks in advance

Vagif Abilov
Oslo, Norway

Vagif Abilov


Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately it's not easy to change our
routines (there are too many projects and solutions). We are considering
implementing new build routines for the future, but I just want to find a
solution to this problem at this stage.


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