How to build application for Windows ME



How to build application for Windows ME

I hale application in VB 2005, under Win XP, 2003, 2000 everything is
working OK, but under Windows ME or 98 the application is not working.
Should I set any special options to compile it to Windows ME?

Moayad Mardini

No, you mustn't do any special options/settings for your program to run
under Windows ME, just check .NET framework, it must be installed on
that operating system.

Scott M.

What about your application's security policy. Since the 2.0 Framework
requires SP2 on XP, ME operation may require certain security in place.

Moayad Mardini

Yes, this is true, .NET Framework needs SP2 to run under Windows XP (Home
and Pro), but I don't think there is special ruirements to run under Windows
System Requirements for Version 2.0

Luke Zhang [MSFT]


When you say "under Windows ME or 98 the application is not working", can
you tell more details on this? For example, is there exception message or
number raise from the application? Did all .NET application doens't work on
that, or only this special one?


Luke Zhang

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