How to bound field to control during runtime?



Hi, all:
I have a subform, which RecordSource property is set by VBA. And
then, I want to bound one of recordset's field to a control, but It
sounds wrongly. Here is my code:

lngProblemID = Parent.GetProblemID
strSqlOptions = "SELECT Options.OptID, Options.ProbID,
Options.OptNote, Options.IsRight FROM Options"
strSqlOptions = strSqlOptions & " Where Options.ProbID = " &
Me.RecordSource = strSqlOptions

'Add new option record
Set recOptions = Me.Recordset
recOptions.Fields("ProbID") = lngProblemID

'set action property
With Me!bfrOption1
.ControlSource = "OptNote"
.Class = "Word.Document"
.OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
.Action = acOLECreateEmbed
End With

"OptNote" is one of Recordset's field,which is ole type. After I did
this, I can edit word in control normally, control's value is allright
indeed, but the recOptions.Fields("Prob") allways holding at Null.
What's the trouble with? Could I do it just like this way. If something

wrong, please wise me up! Thank you.

Brendan Reynolds

strSqlOptions = "SELECT Options.OptID, Options.ProbID,
Options.OptNote, Options.IsRight FROM Options"

indeed, but the recOptions.Fields("Prob") allways holding at Null.

Your SQL statement selects fields named 'OptID', 'ProbID', 'OptNote', and
'IsRight'. It does not select any field named 'Prob'. Possibly that might
have been a typo in the newsgroup post, but if not, if you're trying to do
anything via your form with a field named 'Prob', you'll need to include
that field in the SELECT clause of the SQL statement.

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