how to bind an array of data to a datagrid?


irnbru irnbru

Hi all! I got an array of datarows after a select on a datatable, I want
to show the results in datagrid, but it doesnt work, do i have to create
a dataview? Please help me out thank you IRNBRU


Hi Irnbru,

You should use DataView. here is some sample code for you.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

SqlDataAdapter adap = new SqlDataAdapter();

SqlDataReader rdr ;

con.ConnectionString = @"server=.;database=AdventureWorks;uid=sa;pwd=sa";


cmd.Connection = con;

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

cmd.CommandText = @"select LocationID,Name as LocNAme from

adap.SelectCommand = cmd;

adap.Fill(ds, "ER");

DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select();

dataGrid1.DataSource = dr[0].Table.DefaultView;


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