How to allow Guest account internet access?



I just (again) setup one of my pc's as dual-boot 98SE/XP pro. The pc is one
of 5 networked together in-house. I use an odd arrangment. This dual-boot pc
uses a modem to connect to the net. The other 4 pc's use a modem on one of
them which also runs a proxy server for the other three to also connect to
the net.

I've got the network up and going under XP, can see shared folders, printers
on the 98SE pc's and they can see the printers and shared folders XP's

What I can't seem to get around is how to allow the Guest account to access
the net? The modem dialup connection does not appear under Connections when
logged in as Guest even though logged in as Admin I've said "allow
everyone..." and the other 3 accounts (me, wife & kids) all use the modem.

I also can't seem to get any account to alternatively use the proxy server
running on one of the 98SE pc's. I can ping but ...? I don't have the
firewall turned on on the ethernet connection, only for the dialup

What am I missing that's locking out the Guest account using the modem?

What am I missing that none of the accounts use the proxy server when told

Also, do I need a LMHOSTS file similar to HOSTS under 98SE?

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