How to Add, Reposition, or Re-order Entries in Autotext "All Entries" list? [Word2k]

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My most frequent AutoText entry begins with "W", so that's why it's positioned at end of list?
Seemed easiest to edit the name of my AT entry in Organizer. I renamed by adding an underscore
"_" to beginning. This moved it to top of list in Organizer, but entry still doesn't show in submenu
(or all entries" Autotext bar), nor in AT dialog. Always at bottom.

FWIW, its good that the entries that *do show* in pulldown & submenu are all from my single
attached template. ("W" is in the same attached template... moving it to gives no
change in pulldown behavior)

Google gave this:
"When using the AutoText in the menu or toolbar hold down the SHIFT key -- this will force
Word to show all of the AutoText entries and not just the ones for the style your using."

But Shift key causes no change in pulldown behavior.

I'd prefer not to have to open the Autotext dialog and scroll down. Typing in 3 (4?) first letters,
then F3 is ok... I guess...
Hi (e-mail address removed),

I'm not 100% sure I understand what your exact situation is. But when I
create an AutoText entry and name it _Wxyz (or whatever) it does sort to
the top of the list in Insert/AutoText/AutoText. Ditto in the
style-specific Insert/AutoText listing.

I also see the same when I rename an entry via the Organizer.

The text was formatted with the Normal style and saved in the
template, in my test. And I'm using Word 2003.
My most frequent AutoText entry begins with "W", so that's why it's positioned at end of list?
Seemed easiest to edit the name of my AT entry in Organizer. I renamed by adding an underscore
"_" to beginning. This moved it to top of list in Organizer, but entry still doesn't show in submenu
(or all entries" Autotext bar), nor in AT dialog. Always at bottom.

FWIW, its good that the entries that *do show* in pulldown & submenu are all from my single
attached template. ("W" is in the same attached template... moving it to gives no
change in pulldown behavior)

Google gave this:
"When using the AutoText in the menu or toolbar hold down the SHIFT key -- this will force
Word to show all of the AutoText entries and not just the ones for the style your using."

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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Cindy M -WordMVP- said:
I'm not 100% sure I understand what your exact situation is. But when I
create an AutoText entry and name it _Wxyz (or whatever) it does sort to
the top of the list in Insert/AutoText/AutoText. Ditto in the
style-specific Insert/AutoText listing.

I also see the same when I rename an entry via the Organizer.

The text was formatted with the Normal style and saved in the
template, in my test. And I'm using Word 2003.

mine is word 2000, though i THINK i recall seeing the same problem in word95
my autotext is created unformatted. maybe instead of renaming. i should delete and create a new entry.
Hi (e-mail address removed),

OK, I just tested in Word 2000: typed some text, formatted it, selected. Insert/AutoText/AuotText and
saved to a specific template (rather than Named it WNewTest.

Then I went into the Organizer and renamed it with a preceding underscore. It sorted to the top...

If this still isn't working for you, the only thing I can imagine is that, for some reason, on your
machine, the symbol being used for an underscore isn't the same ANSI character? Or your system isn't
sorting characters the same way.

The following macro gives me the value 95 with the cursor just before the underscore:

Sub GetANSICode()
MsgBox Asc(Selection.Text)
End Sub

You might also check what to what language and locale your Regional settings are.
mine is word 2000, though i THINK i recall seeing the same problem in word95
my autotext is created unformatted. maybe instead of renaming. i should delete and create a new entry.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not
by e-mail :-)